Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Sometines Goodbye is a Second Chance" -Shinedown

I have been in Pullman for two and a half weeks now and I... love it. Ok, so, yeah, there are moments when I wonder "what was going through my head when I chose to come here", but those moments do go away and I go back to loveing it here. During the course of these last two weeks I've been diligently looking for a job and a place to live. I know, you're probably wondering, "what happened to that magic hour in which you found both"? Well, lets just call that hour a learning experience. Turns out the people I would have been renting from have a horrible reputation throughout town. I mean, EVERYONE that I talked to told me to not do business with them, which is a shame because everywhere you turn, they have properties for rent. So, because Heavely Father loves me, I was able to get out of that situation. I then found a girl from church to room with. That was exactly what I needed at the time because I was starting to hyperventilate over life and why I was here blah, blah, blah. So it gave me the courage to move forward knowing that at least I had a roommate to help me look for something, and surely we could find a two bedroom apt. easier than I could find a one bedroom apt. That was until I got to know her more and her feet dragging ways, and realized she was not someone I wanted to live with. So now I'm back to square one as far as a place to live.

On the job front, I have found one. I will be working (for the time being) at a place called Milestones Decisions. It is a facility that cares for mentally disables adults. It's in Moscow, Idaho which is about 8 miles from Pullman, and also home of University of Idaho. (Apparently they're really proud of their cows with windows in their stomachs. Weird.) I say "for the time being", because it only pays min/wage, which granted, it is higher in Idaho than it is in Wyoming, but not as high as Washington. So I'm still on the hunt for something better, but until then, I have some income.

Now to the point of this post. Amidst all of this turmoil surrounding my Pullman experience, I have found a lot of peace. Most of you are aware of things I have been dealing with as far as trying to make changes in my life and learning how to find out exactly who I am and what I'm doing with life. And I have to say, Shinedown is absolutely right when they say, "sometimes goodbye is a second chance." That's what I feel like this is. This is a chance to take a leap of faith forward (we're talking huge leap, like, Grand Canyon size leap). It's a chance to see what I'm made of (which is a lot of cool stuff). It's a chance to strike out on my own and prove to myself that I really can do it (which, duh, I can). And I can see that all falling into place now. I can see how all of these set backs I've faced since I have been here have helped me to learn all of these things, and also to help me trust in my Heavenly Father. He really does know what I need and when I need it. And I'm grateful for that knowledge.

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