Saturday, July 10, 2010

Clearly, It's Been a While

I can't believe how fast everything has happened, but when I think about it, nothing really seems to have happened. Ok, I'll explain.
I got the fantastic job at Essence, and it is still fantastic. The girls that I work with are so fun. We all get along really well, almost too well sometimes that it doesn't feel like we're working so much as just having the time of our lives. Occasionally we'll have a karaoke night and get a little crazy drinking Dr. Pepper with strawberries (I know, you probably never thought I had it in me). Recently three of the girls I work with have taken up Roller Derby. If you have a chance to check out a Roller Derby bout in your area, I highly recommend it as it will knock your sock off. I'm seriously considering joining them next year. I know! Crazy!
I'm now living in Moscow, Idaho instead of Pullman, Washington, and I really love it here. Not that Pullman was bad, but it just wasn't doing anything for me. I'm on my own with no roommates, and I have to say for right now, I'm quite content with this situation.
I'll be starting school in the Fall at University of Idaho. They have a really good International Studies program, and I think International Studies is what I'm going with.
In February I sold my car :( but that was a small price I decided to pay in order to live alone. My apartment is quite literally five blocks away from everything important; work, church, grocery store, and the public transit bus is about 100 feet from my front door. It's a pretty sweet set up.
I along with my other good ideas to grow up and take responsibility for myself, I gave up the singles ward. I never thought this day would come, that I would be single in a family ward, but truth be told, I love it. I'm the secretary for the Young Women, and it is the perfect calling for me right now. I've met a lot of great people in this ward and have some wonderful friends.
All in all, I would have to say, this move has been the best thing that has happened to me in a while. I've had my rough moments, but I have learned so much about myself, and grown tremendously over this last year and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!