Sunday, August 30, 2009

Have you ever had a job that your were horrible at... and the boss hated you... but you loved it... and you loved that people that you worked with... and the money was great? If you have ever found yourself in this situation, then imagine the exact opposite, and that's what I have on my hands.
I really can't complain too much. I finally found a place to live that is super cheap, but also really nice and my roommate is cool. I just hate my job is all. And I'm not just talking a general disliking of a job because it's work and everybody is supposed to hate their job. We're talking severe loathing of the thought of working at this place another day. The thing is, and I'm not bragging, but I'm really good at it. I've had at least three people tell me now that I'm really good at this job and I'm adapting really well to it and I've only worked there two weeks now. At this point, I'd rather work at McDonald's, and that's a pretty sad commentary on the situation. And so I continue to look for something else. Something else that will at least pay me what the job is worth, something that I don't want to run away screaming from at the very thought of it. So, if anyone knows of a job opening up in Pullman, Washington, let me know.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Sometines Goodbye is a Second Chance" -Shinedown

I have been in Pullman for two and a half weeks now and I... love it. Ok, so, yeah, there are moments when I wonder "what was going through my head when I chose to come here", but those moments do go away and I go back to loveing it here. During the course of these last two weeks I've been diligently looking for a job and a place to live. I know, you're probably wondering, "what happened to that magic hour in which you found both"? Well, lets just call that hour a learning experience. Turns out the people I would have been renting from have a horrible reputation throughout town. I mean, EVERYONE that I talked to told me to not do business with them, which is a shame because everywhere you turn, they have properties for rent. So, because Heavely Father loves me, I was able to get out of that situation. I then found a girl from church to room with. That was exactly what I needed at the time because I was starting to hyperventilate over life and why I was here blah, blah, blah. So it gave me the courage to move forward knowing that at least I had a roommate to help me look for something, and surely we could find a two bedroom apt. easier than I could find a one bedroom apt. That was until I got to know her more and her feet dragging ways, and realized she was not someone I wanted to live with. So now I'm back to square one as far as a place to live.

On the job front, I have found one. I will be working (for the time being) at a place called Milestones Decisions. It is a facility that cares for mentally disables adults. It's in Moscow, Idaho which is about 8 miles from Pullman, and also home of University of Idaho. (Apparently they're really proud of their cows with windows in their stomachs. Weird.) I say "for the time being", because it only pays min/wage, which granted, it is higher in Idaho than it is in Wyoming, but not as high as Washington. So I'm still on the hunt for something better, but until then, I have some income.

Now to the point of this post. Amidst all of this turmoil surrounding my Pullman experience, I have found a lot of peace. Most of you are aware of things I have been dealing with as far as trying to make changes in my life and learning how to find out exactly who I am and what I'm doing with life. And I have to say, Shinedown is absolutely right when they say, "sometimes goodbye is a second chance." That's what I feel like this is. This is a chance to take a leap of faith forward (we're talking huge leap, like, Grand Canyon size leap). It's a chance to see what I'm made of (which is a lot of cool stuff). It's a chance to strike out on my own and prove to myself that I really can do it (which, duh, I can). And I can see that all falling into place now. I can see how all of these set backs I've faced since I have been here have helped me to learn all of these things, and also to help me trust in my Heavenly Father. He really does know what I need and when I need it. And I'm grateful for that knowledge.