Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait

Two days ago I had the greatest stroke of luck finding a job and a place to live. However, between then and now, it has been a whole lot of waiting. I've come to find out that the company I am going through to rent the apartment, don't have the greatest reputation for moving quickly. Also, the salon I'm going to be working at is in the process of moving to a new and improved location, which is very stressful for the owner and she likes to take that stress out by fretting over my apartment situation. And to top it all off, my Idaho license isn't likely to come through any sooner that Monday afternoon, and the salon owner wants me to start working on Saturday.
Basically, I'm doing a lot of waiting, but I'm feeling strangely mellow about the whole thing. I think Heavenly father has slipped me some kind of "tranquillizer" because this kind of stuff would normally have me hyperventilating. So what's the lesson He's trying to teach me in this situation? I'm sure I don't know, but I'll let you know when I find out.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

These two were on my way through Montana

These are on my way through Idaho

I thought the trees were pretty cool lining up along the road

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Welcome to wherever you are. This is your life. You've made it this far..." -Bon Jovi

...and indeed I have. And I do feel welcome. After rolling in to Pullman at about 11:30pm (MWT the time zone I'm used to) Sunday night, I met some great girls who were most willing to let me stay with them through church connections. The next morning, I went to work finding a place to live and a job. I do not mind saying that at first I felt hopelessly overwhelmed. The thought of turning right back around and driving back to the safety of Wyoming never quite left it's dark little corner in my mind. Courage, however prevailed and after a hard days work at giving out resumes, and looking at apartments that continued to go up in price and down in quality, luck decided to show up. Between the hours of 4 and 5 pm (PCT the time zone I'm in now) I found a great job and a nice, clean, spacious, cheap place to live.
Today, to keep myself busy and to make sure that I wasn't jumping in too quickly to things, I continued to look at different salons, and roommate situations and. Nothing has come of it however and I'm more firmly planted in my commitments to these two... commitments.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

soooo tired!

I'm here. It's great. I'm tired. Good night!

Friday, July 24, 2009

"The ending of an era and the turning of a page..."-Tim McGraw

It's a very surreal feeling to be driving around with all my earthly possessions piled in the back of my car, and to know that before twenty-four hours is up, I will have only my car key on my key ring. I was thinking as I was packing this morning, having just woken up, putting on the closest most comfortable clothes and then setting off to work, that I looked like a homeless person, and then it hit me... I am, quite literally, a homeless person!
It's been a while since my last posting, and my now former roommate Becca insisted that I chronicle my move, so let me catch you up to speed. I'm moving to Pullman, Washington to go to school. Let me take this moment to answer the questions that I know are now swimming through your heads. No, I don't have a place to live when I get there, and no, I don't have a job lined up either. In fact I really don't even know anybody there. I'm just going. I feel like in times past I've taken steps of faith and they've gotten me to some pretty great places, but this is my first ever real leap of faith. A leap that is taking me approximately 650 miles away to a state I've never set foot in in my life (no, I haven't even been there to check it out). Yet I have faith that Heavenly Father has prepared me for this and I know that He won't let me fall.
I chose Pullman (Washington State University) because they have an excellent Psychology program as well as the opportunity to further my Chinese (I'm not quite sure what the exact career is that is going to be coming out if these to subjects, but it is going to be a doozy). There have been a lot of contributing factors that have lead me to make this decision, and it feels right, so it is now time to say goodbye to Laramie, Wy. I made the mistake last time I left Laramie of saying that I would never come back to live here ever again. I won't make that mistake again, I'll just say to Laramie, goodbye and good luck!