Sunday, January 25, 2009

Every Four Years

The idea, so we are clear, was not mine. My idea was to go throughout the week like a perfectly normal person going to school, going to work, blah blah blah. The Lord however, had this idea that I should get the flu, something He likes to inflict on me once every four years for good measure. He has His reasons I'm sure, and though it took me all week lying in bed, not going to school or work (things that demand I catch up on them asap), I think I've figured them out. Well, at least some of them anyway.
I'm not one that finds it easy to ask people for help. I also like to be in control of my life. This week however, those two things were taken away from me. I was so sick that I couldn't leave the house, and there were some things I needed from the store; drugs and sick people food, and while I had a plethora of people at my disposal, it was very hard for me to ask them to do something as simple as go to the store for me. I finally did, I asked my sister, and she saved my life. But I learned something from that. I have a hard time letting people serve me, which I never thought of as such a big deal until now. By not letting others serve me as I am always only too willing to do for them, I'm not allowing them to build onto our relationship. I'm taking that chance away from them to receive blessings, and be of some help, in short, I was not letting them follow the Savior's example.
I also learned that no matter how hard we try, we aren't in control. That may seem like a no-brainer, but apparently that is something I need to be reminded of every four years.
So, in summary this week was horrible, educational, but horrible. My life was not in my hands, I was denying blessings to people left and right, and I felt just plain miserable, but I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Day Off

Art supplies for Beginning Painting class: $100
Sushi, because I've been deprived of it for a whole year: $20
Fireworks for my Pastry Chef friend to kick everyone's butt in the cake contest on the Food Network: $10
A day off where I actually get out of Laramie: Priceless.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I chose this as my title because it is a phrase I have become more accustomed to using of late. A lot of things I do, seem like a good idea at the time. Some of them, it turns out, aren't the best of ideas, in retrospect, but some of them are. This blog, for example. It could turn out to be absolute crap. However, what I'm hoping it becomes is a way to let people know how I'm doing, let them get to know the real me, and have a few laughs along the way. In any case, these great ideas of mine lead me to some place that I need to be, and teach me something I needed to know.
Now, most of you know me and know the ideas that have gotten me this far; early college that was given up and quickly followed by beauty school, followed up by a mission (which really wasn't my idea so much as it was the Lord's and I went along with it), and now back to school it is in Laramie, Wy. So that's a good place to pick up right?
Well, now, the next big decision to make is precisely this, do I go to Yale, or do I go to BYU? It's a tough decision to make, but I have this idea that I want to keep learning Chinese and Taiwanese and at the moment these are my only two options.
Well, it's something I'll be pondering from now until... about June I think, and I'm sure I will be giving you all the stressful details. So, until then, remember "mediocre people do exceptional things all the time."-OK GO
Think about it.