So, I haven't really had a computer for the last year. My wireless decided to take a break, and recently it has felt that it can once again grace me with it's presence. So, while it's visiting, I can do some catching up. I can't believe it's almost been a whole year.
So, it turns out, I did join Roller-Derby. And it really is the time of my life. I'm on the low contact team, or as we like to call it, Roller-Derby Lite. Our team is called the Palouse Derby Girls, and we don't have as many girls on the team this year as last year, so I don't know that we'll be doing any Bouts this season, but we still have a lot of fun going through drills,and learning agility and things of that nature.
I'm still in Young Women's but I'm the Mia Maid adviser now instead of Secretary. I sure do love these girls. This year I'm going to Camp, my first time as a leader and not one of the girls. I'm anticipating no sleep for a week, sunburn, and mosquito bites. Hopefully there is also room for spiritual experiences and fun amongst the absolute insanity that will be 20+ girls between the ages of 12 and 18.
I'm still living on my own and loving it. Still on foot. Still have a fantastic job. Still learning so much and becoming more and more a real grown-up every day.
School isn't quite in the horizon as I anticipated it would be this upcoming fall. I'm actually just enjoying working right now. I think eventually I will go back to school, but I have some other things to learn right now, and I'm pretty okay with that. Anyway, I'll try to post some pictures from this last year, and hopefully it won't be another year before I sign in again.